to Accord Therapy Services.
to Accord Therapy Services.
Accord Therapy Services is an outpatient clinic which provides quality therapy services to clients who demonstrate a need to receive therapy in order to regain optimal function. Services rendered include occupational, physical, and speech therapy.
Our mission is to deliver quality therapy intervention to clients to help them regain their function, strength, and mobility so that they can be as independent as possible with mobility and daily function in their own living environment.
Many Asian immigrants who can benefit from therapy intervention choose not to be seen due to language barrier. While there are interpreters available over the phone, or even in-person to provide interpretations, often times than not, much is lost in translation. Accord will attempt to hire bilingual speaking therapists to meet the demand of many Chinese speaking Asian elderlies who can benefit from therapy services. The targeted population for this business is Cantonese and Mandarin speaking individuals who communicate primarily in their native tongue. However, the clinic is open to all who are in need of service.
Accord possesses the advantage of having staff who are bilingual, possesses the language capability to communicate effectively especially with those who speak only Chinese.
We offer these services ...
来到 Accord 康复服务
许多可以从治疗干预中受益的亚裔移民由于语言障碍而选择不接受治疗。 虽然有口译员通过电话,甚至是当面提供翻译,但很多时候,很多东西都在翻译中丢失。 Accord 将尝试聘请讲双语的治疗师,以满足许多讲中文的亚裔老人的需求,他们可以从治疗服务中受益。 这项业务的目标人群是讲广东话和普通话的人,他们主要用自己的母语交流。然而,该诊所对所有需要服务的人都是开放的。
Accord 的优势在于其工作人员都是双语,具备有效沟通的语言能力,特别是与那些只讲中文的人沟通。
來到 Accord 康復服務
許多可以從治療干預中受益的亞裔移民由於語言障礙而選擇不接受治療。 雖然有口譯員通過電話,甚至是當面提供翻譯,但很多時候,很多東西都在翻譯中丟失。 Accord 將嘗試聘請講雙語的治療師,以滿足許多講中文的亞裔老人的需求,他們可以從治療服務中受益。 這項業務的目標人群是講廣東話和普通話的人,他們主要用自己的母語交流。然而,該診所對所有需要服務的人都是開放的。
Accord 的優勢在於其工作人員都是雙語,具備有效溝通的語言能力,特別是與那些只講中文的人溝通。